To me faith is knowing that at the end of the day through all the chaos and trials I see that God is still there to ground me to keep me safe, to watch over me. I find peace in him and knowing that he cared enought to send his son to die for my sins and that after all the mistakes I've made and sins I've committed he still unconditionally loves me. That is what the tattoo on my back is. I know alot of people would say that getting it on your back is getting it where you can't see it, putting it out of sight out of mind i guess you could say. Yet I didn't want it to be damaged my faith is undamaged and so should the symbol I placed on my body to remind me of my faith and to show others the strength of my faith. I know it's there and I know why I drew it and why I have it. When I am standing infront of the mirror and can't stand what I see looking back I turn around and take a good look at my tatoo. It's not perfect and neither am I. However it symbolizes the cross that jesus died on the chaos that ensues this world and God's natural wonders, such as the lotus flower, which also symbolizes peace to me. It's located in the center of the cross because when you get to it at the center of all things at the origin of life there is God. He is my peace my stronghold, He knows me better than anyone. He knows what keeps me going and what I need. That is what faith is and that's between God and me.